Insightful Documentaries
Documenting your work is the best way to gain real life insights into what works and what doesn’t. It’s also a fantastic way to build a captivating portfolio.
Capture Your Campaign
Spread the word of your campaign further than ever before.
A campaign activation is an invaluable tool for bringing your product or brand to life. The interactive nature of a campaign activation encourages positive participation from customers, creating lasting memories that become stories people tell their friends and family. By documenting your activation, you can keep it alive long after the show is over and continue to reap the rewards.
The rewards of your campaign are two fold. One is external, the other internal. Externally speaking, a campaign activation film gives you the opportunity to have your brand be seen in all the right places… by all the right people. Overall, customers will gain more confidence in your product, while your peers will get the impression that the brand is being invested in and has momentum.
Internally speaking, your campaign activation is a potential goldmine of insights and customer feedback; it’s a great opportunity to create an in-depth case study of your brand. While documenting your campaign, our interactive cameraman will ask all the right questions, so that you can find out what works and what doesn’t, and those valuable testimonials can be shared internally within the company. Absorb customer reactions from behind the scenes and in turn, improve future communications with your consumers.
Finally, your film will double up as a success showreel that you can use to demonstrate your talent as an organiser, or indeed, your style as a brand.

The Customer Focus
Interviewing customers about their experience with your product, brand or service is a perfect way to get straight to the point and gain honest, impartial and therefore invariably insightful feedback.
Customer reactions form the guidelines for future campaigns and brand or product decisions – it’s an opportunity to find out what works and get rid of what doesn’t. Save time, save money and progress by getting to know your audience. By capturing this feedback in video form, it can be shared and accessed by many with ease.
The style in which your customers will be interviewed is key. Swap long winded interviews that take up a lot of time, for quick fire vox pop interviews. Vox pop interviews leave you with bite-sized, straight to the point insights that are great for sharing during presentations and in internal meetings. Perfect for when time is critical.
Externally speaking, you can also use positive customer feedback as a kind of digital review. As we all know, when feedback comes straight from the horse’s mouth, it has a much stronger impact.
Do you like the sound of this, but need someone that will make your customers feel at ease and ask all the right questions? Our interactive cameraman will move seamlessly through the crowd, asking all the right questions so you don’t have to. His patience coupled with his amiable and easy going nature will ensure that your customers feel comfortable opening up in front of the camera.
A Day In The Life Of…
Capture an average day in the workplace, in perfect detail! This may be focused on a specific department, or the role of an individual, or of course it can be all encompassing, demonstrating the role of each person and their interactions with others! The structure may for example, include fly on the wall filming complemented with interviews of people discussing their roles and experiences in more detail.
A documentary like this has a huge number of uses. Internally speaking, you can gain insights into the workplace environment and learn about the structure of the company. Externally, this is perfect to use at job fairs as a very informative advertisement for new recruits. By showing prospective employees exactly what their role entails and what their environment will be like, you can make sure that both parties are comfortable with the role, and that they are completely clear on what is expected of them.

Behind The Scenes
Behind the scenes documentaries convey your brand in a welcoming down to earth, approachable way that leaves customers with an impression of understated and well-earned confidence.
Bring into the light the personality of your brand. Behind the scenes documentaries are an excellent way to connect with both your customers and your team, by drawing back the curtain, as it were. It’s an opportunity to show that you’re proud of your process, which instills confidence in your product, service or brand.
We can cover everything from the birth of a concept, to product design and creation. You can have your very own ‘how it’s made’ video. We can even capture products being delivered to, and used by, happy customers. A great behind the scenes film can tie each step of the process together, from beginning to end, portraying the efficiency, organisation and compatibility of your team.
Chris has undertaken several projects for our company Spiderzone and he is a great addition to our Marketing Team. Always truly professional and diligent with a keen eye for detail, the end results are always spot on and to the brief, with a little extra flair thrown in! Highly recommend.